
Forever Analog

Vinyl Records + Cassettes FOR SALE!

Published 12 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Everyone,

I have an online store stocked full of vinyl records and cassettes, just in time for the holiday weekend.

I'm sending this link out EARLY to you, as an email subscriber, before I promote it on social media this weekend.

I offer FREE US SHIPPING and my prices are set in order to sell!

(International folks, I apologize for the shipping prices, but it's the best I can do.)

Money from these sales goes back into buying gear for the blog and YouTube channel.

Most of these are records from my personal collection and I've thrown in some cassettes, even SEALED blanks for my fellow recording folks out there.


Sample of items for sale below:

Have a great weekend!


Forever Analog

Aaron Hartley

I review home audio products on my blog and YouTube channel, along with tips and tricks to get the best sound possible out of your home stereo!

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